Important Articles

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Major Reports in English

2005. Groenendijk J., F. Hajek, N. Duplaix, et al. Surveying and Monitoring Distribution and Population trends of the Giant Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) Habitat 16. 53 pages - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

1980. N. Duplaix. Observations on the Ecology and Behavior of the Giant River Otter Pteronura Brasiliensis in Suriname. - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

1997. S.K. Carter and Rosas, F.C.W. Biology and Conservation of the Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensis, Mammal Rev, Vol.27, No. 1:1-26 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2002. N. Duplaix, Giant Otter, Final Report. WWF-Guianas Rapid River Bio-assessments and Giant Otter Conservation Project - FG-40 FY2002 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2004. N. Duplaix et al. Giant Otter Bibliography - This list of references is not meant to be exhaustive or complete but to be a working tool for persons who are interested in Giant otters but who do not have access to a large university library. We welcome any additions or corrections: Contact Dr. Nicole Duplaix

WWF-Guianas - Evaluation of the Animal and Plant Trade in the Guianas: Preliminary Findings - Prepared by Nicole Duplaix, PhD March 2001 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

Articles in English

Duplaix, N. (1980). Giant otters : "Big water dogs in peril". National Geographic Magazine 158(1) 1980; pp. 130-142 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2005. McTurk, D. and L. Spelman. Hand-rearing and rehabilitation of orphaned Giant otters Pteronura brasiliensis, on the Rupununi River, Guyana, South America. Zoo Biol. 24:153-167 (2005), 15 pages - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2003. F. Rosas and G. E. de Mattos. Notes on Giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) behavior in the lake of the Balbina Hydroelectric Power Station, Amazinas, Brazil. LAJAM 2(2):127-129, July-December 2003, 4 pages - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2004. Ribas, C. and G. Mourao, Intraspecific agonism between Giant otter groups. 7 pages - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2005. F. R. Dias Fonseca, O. Malm & H. Francine Waldemarin. Mercury Levels in tissues of Giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) from the Rio Negro, Pantanal, Brazil. Env. Res.98 (2005): 368-371 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2005. C. Munn. Big, friendly giants. BBC Wildlife (June): 34-39 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2005. Giant otter, Pteronura brasiliensis. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2005. Victor Utreras B.1,*, Esteban Suarez R.2, Galo Zapata-Rios 3, Geovanna Lasso 4 and Luis Pinos 5. Dry and Rainy Season Estimations of Giant Otter Pteronura brasiliensis, Home Range in the Yasuni National Park, Ecuador - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

Articles in Portuguese

2004. Carolina Ribas Pereira, Desenvolvimento de um Programa de Monitoramento em Longo Prazo das Ariranhas (Pteronura brasiliensis) no Pantanal Brasileiro (Long-term monitoring study of Giant otters in the Pantanal, Brazil). MSc dissertation, 68 pages - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2004. Rosas, F. Ariranha, Pteronura brasiliensis, (Carnivora: Mustelidae). In, Historia Natural, Ecologia e Conservacao de Algumas Especies de Plantas e Animais da Amazonia, R. Cintro, ed.: 265-269 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2002. G.V. Machado, F.C.W. Rosas, & S.M. Lazzarini. Topografia do Cone Medular na Ariranha da Amazonia. Ar. Cien. Vet zool. UNIPAR, 5(2):jul./dec.: 297 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2002. G.V. Machado, F.C.W. Rosas, & S.M. Lazzarini. Lobacao Pulmonar e Divisoes Bronquiais na Ariranha. Ar. Cien. Vet zool. UNIPAR, 5(2):jul./dec. : 289 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

2002. G.V. Machado, F.C.W. Rosas, & S.M. Lazzarini. Sobre a Formacao da Veia Cava Cranial na Ariranha. Ar. Cien. Vet zool. UNIPAR, 5(2):jul./dec. : 293 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP


Neotropical otters (Lontra longicaudis)

2004. Rosas, F. Lontra, Lontra longicaudis (Carnivora: Mustelidae). In, Historia Natural, Ecologia e Conservacao de Algumas Especies de Plantas e Animais da Amazonia, R. Cintro, ed.: 261-264 - DOWNLOAD THIS .pdf FILE TO YOUR DESKTOP

Film Clips (you will need Quick time software to view these!)

